My budding Mary Berry: baking with Cake Angels

When I was young, one of the things I used to love doing with my Mum was baking. Anyone remember the Be-Ro cookbook? We used to love that. We made rock buns, raspberry buns, macaroons and brandy snaps quite often and then enjoyed eating the spoils afterwards.

Times have moved on since the days of Be-Ro and we can buy all manner of baking goods and equipment, from every colour ready-made fondant to cake pop moulds.

I really think that baking is a fun, creative and imaginative activity to do with young children. My eldest is now three and my littlest one has just turned one. My three year old in particular has recently become really interested in watching me cook and bake, drawing up her booster chair to the worktop to watch what I’m doing and get involved.

Which is why we were really excited to be sent this swag!:


Imagine the scene: I mention that Cake Angels have sent some cake decorating products for us to try out, one evening before bed. Well- we had a few errands to do the next day, and every five minutes three year old took the opportunity to say “can we do baking, now?”

The Cake Angels website explains that they provide “the inspiration, tools, hints & tips that will enhance and guide your creativity”. Well three year old won out here.

We were sent a huge bag of mini marshmallows, two different lots of very colourful sprinkles and two gorgeous cake toppers – their angel topper and cow topper.

I thought we would make cupcakes and use the sprinkles and marshmallows, but no – three year old decided we were making a proper cake, with jam in the middle and pink icing on top, to which she would then add some decoration, including the angel.

Fair enough.

So we got to work making a simple vanilla sponge (failsafe 2 eggs, 175gram flour/butter/sugar, add vanilla essence recipe). Of course three year old loves to ‘evenly’ apportion the mixture between cake tins (hmmm…).


Hurrah! Finished cake, sandwiched with erm, not jam as I couldn’t find any, but lemon curd (hurrah for my Mum’s homemade lemon curd!).


Now for the best bit- decoration using the Cake Angels products. The products were really easy to use. The sprinkles had individual compartment for easy sprinkling – but, knowing how overexcited three year old can be, I tipped a few of each out into bowls.

Here she is at work:


And here’s the finished result, complete with cake topper:


It tasted really nice!

Is definitely use these products again. The marshmallows are (quick check on Tesco!) just over a pound and sprinkles just over two pounds, with the cake toppers about in the middle. I think those prices are reasonable compared to some of the pricier products around.

Plus they definitely inspired my three year old budding Mary Berry!

Check out Cake Angels online for some recipe inspiration. Their products are available in most supermarkets.

Disclaimer: I received these products free of charge in return for writing this review. All opinions expressed are truthful and my own. And this cake was very tasty.

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